2025 Budget engagement survey
Thank you for your participation and for providing your input on the 2025 City of Quinte West budgets and future budget engagement. The 2025 Budget planning survey is now closed.
The survey is estimated to take 5-10 minutes to complete.
The survey closes at 5 p.m. on September 13, 2024.
If you want to answer the survey by phone or in writing, connect with us.
Request a paper copy of the survey by visiting Quinte West City Hall (7 Creswell Dr., Trenton ON, K8V 5R6) or the Frankford Municipal Office (22 North Trent St., Frankford ON, K0K 2C0), or by calling 613-392-2841 x4700 for a copy to be mailed.
Your feedback will be shared with City Departments and presented to City of Quinte West Council in December. An engagement summary of feedback will be available on the Get Involved project page in the new year.
Notice of Collection
All information received will be compiled and considered by staff for use for the purposes of this site. Information will be collected and used by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other relevant privacy legislation. All comments on this site are available to the public and may form part of public records.