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John McDonald does it all

I have known John McDonald since he arrived in Quinte West.

He did not quietly enter the community, he kicked the door in on it.

The Director of Operations for the Trenton Golden Hawks (which he does not get paid to do) has worked incredibly hard to not just bring a winning culture of hockey to the local junior hockey team, but also the Quinte region.

Working with the Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation, the Trenton Care and Share Food Bank, The Children's Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society, and more, he has helped to raised tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars for the community.

First and foremost he is a dreamer, but he is a realist as well. His vision for amazing programs, fundraisers, and to raise strong young men, is a major factor why he is a light in whatever room he is in.

I am biased, as I work with John, but regardless of that, he deserves to be recognized for his involvement in the Bay of Quinte region and the City of Quinte West

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