Official Plan review

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Consultation has concluded

As Quinte West continues to grow and evolve, so does our Official Plan. The City of Quinte West Official Plan (2013) outlines the goals, objectives and policies on how land in the community should be used. We’re reviewing our current Official Plan to ensure it meets the needs of our community, and we’re asking for your insight and ideas to help shape the future of Quinte West.

What is the Official Plan?

Our Official Plan is the foundation for building a good community. It reflects our long-term vision and shared values to help guide decisions on land development, housing, economic growth and more. The City of Quinte West Official Plan (2013) includes policies that guide things like:

  • Where new houses, industries, offices and stores can go

  • Where new roads, water mains, sewers, parks, schools and other services are needed

  • Where and when parts of the city will grow

  • How to meet current and future needs while balancing social, economic and environmental interests

  • How to develop healthy, livable communities

  • How to evaluate and settle conflicting land uses

About the Official Plan review

Under the Planning Act, a municipality must review and update its Official Plan within 10 years of it coming into effect, and at least once every five years after that. This will be the City’s 10-year review.

The review process will:

  • Position the city for future growth

  • Include new provincial legislation and regulations

  • Consider new policy initiatives and plans, such as the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (link to plan)

  • Include a community engagement process

Get involved

The review considers public input and encourages Quinte West residents, business owners and other community members to participate by submitting their feedback. Have your say by participating in one or more of our open houses and/or providing your input online.

As Quinte West continues to grow and evolve, so does our Official Plan. The City of Quinte West Official Plan (2013) outlines the goals, objectives and policies on how land in the community should be used. We’re reviewing our current Official Plan to ensure it meets the needs of our community, and we’re asking for your insight and ideas to help shape the future of Quinte West.

What is the Official Plan?

Our Official Plan is the foundation for building a good community. It reflects our long-term vision and shared values to help guide decisions on land development, housing, economic growth and more. The City of Quinte West Official Plan (2013) includes policies that guide things like:

  • Where new houses, industries, offices and stores can go

  • Where new roads, water mains, sewers, parks, schools and other services are needed

  • Where and when parts of the city will grow

  • How to meet current and future needs while balancing social, economic and environmental interests

  • How to develop healthy, livable communities

  • How to evaluate and settle conflicting land uses

About the Official Plan review

Under the Planning Act, a municipality must review and update its Official Plan within 10 years of it coming into effect, and at least once every five years after that. This will be the City’s 10-year review.

The review process will:

  • Position the city for future growth

  • Include new provincial legislation and regulations

  • Consider new policy initiatives and plans, such as the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (link to plan)

  • Include a community engagement process

Get involved

The review considers public input and encourages Quinte West residents, business owners and other community members to participate by submitting their feedback. Have your say by participating in one or more of our open houses and/or providing your input online.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are seeking public input to ensure that the updated Official Plan reflects the policies and priorities of the City and its residents. We encourage you to share what you like about the Plan, as well as identify areas that require improvement.

    Additional information relevant to this survey can be found in  the "Documents" section of the Official Plan engagement page. We encourage residents to review this information prior to starting the survey.

    Page 1: Natural Environment

    Page 2: Urban Growth and Settlement

    Page 3: Rural, Agriculture, and other Policies

    Consultation has concluded
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