What is 'asset management'?

    Asset management brings together different municipal partners to plan, build and maintain the City's resources and infrastructure.

    Each asset has an estimated age of when the lifespan of that asset will need to be rehabilitated or replaced. The City invests in maintaining assets until the end of the asset's lifespan and plans ahead to prepare options to maintain, update or replace the asset.

    Use this page and linked documents to determine the condition of city-owned assets and how we plan to manage them in the future.

    How will my feedback be used by the City?

    The City is currently updating our Asset Management Plan (AMP) as part of the provincial regulation '588/17 - Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure'. 

    The AMP is a comprehensive plan to guide levels of service based on the feedback from this survey, as well as condition and lifespan data of each asset. The feedback will help guide the decision-making of the City's Asset Management Working Group during the creation of the AMP.