Thank a Plow Driver

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Quinte West’s winter operations crew works around the clock to keep streets, sidewalks, trails and City parking lots safe.

Quinte West winter operations at a glance

During the colder months, staff monitor weather conditions and patrol roads 7 days a week, day and night, to ensure they’re ready to take action when a snow or ice event occurs. Road plowing is based on a priority system, with main arterial roads cleared first.

Our Public Works and Environmental Services staff maintain and clear snow and ice from:

  • 1490 lane kilometres of roads

  • 90 kilometres of sidewalks

  • 49 locations throughout the city, such as trails and City parking lots

To support our winter operations, during a weather event the City deploys:

  • 32 snowplows

  • 8 sidewalk plows

  • 12 truck plows

  • 2 tractors with plows

  • 4 sanding units

  • 1 wheel loader with a plow

Thank a plow driver

Staff often sacrifice holidays, special occasions and time with family to assist with snow and ice clearing operations throughout the city. They work long hours in often difficult weather conditions to help keep Quinte West safe.

Show your appreciation to our winter operations staff by sharing a message of thanks below. Your kind messages will be shared with our team.

Quinte West’s winter operations crew works around the clock to keep streets, sidewalks, trails and City parking lots safe.

Quinte West winter operations at a glance

During the colder months, staff monitor weather conditions and patrol roads 7 days a week, day and night, to ensure they’re ready to take action when a snow or ice event occurs. Road plowing is based on a priority system, with main arterial roads cleared first.

Our Public Works and Environmental Services staff maintain and clear snow and ice from:

  • 1490 lane kilometres of roads

  • 90 kilometres of sidewalks

  • 49 locations throughout the city, such as trails and City parking lots

To support our winter operations, during a weather event the City deploys:

  • 32 snowplows

  • 8 sidewalk plows

  • 12 truck plows

  • 2 tractors with plows

  • 4 sanding units

  • 1 wheel loader with a plow

Thank a plow driver

Staff often sacrifice holidays, special occasions and time with family to assist with snow and ice clearing operations throughout the city. They work long hours in often difficult weather conditions to help keep Quinte West safe.

Show your appreciation to our winter operations staff by sharing a message of thanks below. Your kind messages will be shared with our team.

Words of Thanks

Show your appreciation to our winter operations staff by sharing a message of thanks here. 

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I live on the right (wing) side end of a dead end street. Awesome job, every time, by 8-09, which I believe is driven by a Shawn?, to both plow the street and to plow in such a manner as to leave virtually nothing winged into my driveway. Thank you!!!

PhillyPhanatic almost 2 years ago

Thank you for sending ice chucks half way up my driveway and causing $2000 worth of damage. Also appreciate city refusing responsibility and paying out of pocket!

Shane212 about 2 years ago

Forst amd foremost, thank you to all of the city workers for your countless hours of keeping roads clean and allowing us to be safe!
I personally would like to recognize a driver that assisted me in the first crazy storm around Christmas.
I was literally stuck on the road which prevented him from plowing. He took the time and effort to make sure I was ok and assisted with getting me unstuck. Thank you so very much for being so kind!

Sarah of the Boardmans about 2 years ago

We appreciate your early morning efforts clearing the snow. In the northwest area of the Wooler suburbs we can can see your flashing beacon at 5:30 am coming to clear a lane or two of drifting snow. You make it possible for us to get to our jobs.
Keep up the good work.

Moth fighters about 2 years ago

Living along Trenton-Frankford Road at Glen Miller our family, especially the two who leave early for work, very much appreciate the regular sanding and snow plowing of the highway. Sincere thanks to all drivers who work diligently to keep the highway clear and safe.

Riverviewer about 2 years ago

Thanks to our City Workers who do a fantastic job of keeping our streets plowed. We live on Parkside Drive by Hanna Park. Our street is a dead end, and populated with lots of seniors like my wife and I.Your drivers plow the street so that the snow is all left across the road where there are no houses. Usually we do not have very much snow at the end of our drive. My daughter lives with us and she has to leave early every day to commute to where she works in Cobourg.
Thanks again people for the great work you do!!! Doug and Judy Penson

Benjamin about 2 years ago

I live in Trenton and work in Belleville travelling very early every AM. You can surely tell where the “city line” ends. QW snow removal by far exceeds that of Belleville. I make comments to my coworkers every snowfall how my streets are done so early and so clear then hit the Belleville line and have a hard time my last few kms. I work right on Hwy 2, this should be cleared right away. This morning after a big snowfall my little subdivision was completely clear and hwy 2 in Belleville area was still at one lane with very poor conditions in the other.
Way to go QW for your prompt and thorough snow removal when it matters most.

Jen M about 2 years ago

I live on James St. in Trenton. I have previously called and left compliments. The snow plow drivers on this route do an awesome job and always seem to avoid filling my driveway with all the snow from the whole street. They take a side swipe and dump it at the side. Greatly appreciated. They always wave back. LOL THANK YOU!!

Michele about 2 years ago

We live in Frankford and we definitely appreciate our power drivers how they always ensure to keep my road really clean, have a smile and a wave every time I see him. Just generally I'm up just as early as they are. They do a great job to make sure my day gets off to a good start and they put in some long hours. Thank you for all the hard work you all do.

Mash about 2 years ago

I am so appreciative of all the work you do, especially during the night when many of us get to sleep. You folks are out there ensuring we can get to work or do our errands safely. Thank you for your service!

Irene about 2 years ago

I was at my daughters house on Bayswater at 6 AM this morning shovelling snow when a plow went by the end of her driveway. The operator did a great job navigating around my truck, and when I got it moved, he came back and cleaned up the snow drift on the street. Quinte West snow removal rocks. Together we are stronger

David W about 2 years ago

Thank-you for keeping our roads free of snow! I greatly appreciate it on my early commute to work! You guys rock ☺️☺️

Lauren Holden about 2 years ago

Thank you to all of the winter operators that keep our roads, sidewalks, paths clear and sanded!!! You guys ROCK!!

Christine L about 2 years ago

Thank you for keeping the streets free of snow in Glen Ross!

Niki H about 2 years ago

Big shout out to one of your plow drivers Kevin Dion for his help this morning clearing the end of our driveway. I owe you a coffee. Thanks again.

Cindy R about 2 years ago

Thank you for being out in all k8nds of weather to keep everything safe!

Linda60 about 2 years ago

I would love to thank all winter operations staff. Since we have relocated to the area, I've never lived in an area where the roads are constantly cleared and well cared for! I thought when I moved to Frankford that living in a small village I would be stuck in the winter, well, not so! Mill street is always cleared and ready to go. Bravo!!!

Julieb about 2 years ago

Thank you very much for getting up to our cul-de-sac so quickly, and a special thank you for not leaving the big pile at the end of my driveway. Very grateful.

Callahan’s about 2 years ago

Thank you for keeping our streets clean and safe! We're in Country Club Village. You guys rock 😊.

Micheline Labelle-Jackman about 2 years ago

Thank you to the Winter Operations staff! I hear plows on my street at all hours of the day and night and I just want to tell you how appreciated you are! Your work is instrumental to me getting to work safely and on time. I am grateful for that and I can appreciate how unpredictable your hours must be. Thank you for jumping into action when our community needs you!

ETelford about 2 years ago