Remembrance Day & Veterans' Week

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Veterans’ Week

Each year during Veterans’ Week, from November 5 to 11, Canadians remember and honour the brave individuals who served our country in the past, and we recognize those who serve in uniform today.

Access Veterans’ Week Learning Resources online.

Indigenous Veterans Day

November 8 is Indigenous Veterans Day. The First Nations, Inuit and Métis people of Canada have a long and proud tradition of military service to our country.

While exact statistics are difficult to determine, the rate of Indigenous participation in Canada's military efforts over the years has been impressive. These determined volunteers were often forced to overcome many challenges to serve in uniform, from learning a new language and adapting to cultural differences, to having to travel great distances from their remote communities just to enlist.

Learn more about Indigenous Veterans in Canada.

Remembrance Day

The act of Remembrance is one of the most important ways to honour and thank Veterans for their sacrifices.

On Remembrance Day, November 11, we honour through remembrance those who gave their lives to serve our country. By remembering, we pay tribute to members of the Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP who served to defend our values and freedoms. We also honour those who continue to serve our country today.

Learn more about Remembrance Day in Canada.

Quinte West Remembers - November 11

Join the City of Quinte West in remembering and honouring our veterans and active military personnel by wearing a poppy, and attending a local Remembrance Day ceremony on November 11 at 11 a.m.

  • Trenton Cenotaph and Veterans Memorial, Fraser Park Drive and Quinte Street, Quinte West

  • Frankford Cenotaph, 40 Regional Rd 5, Frankford

  • Harold (Rawdon Township) Cenotaph, 4285 Stirling-Marmora Road

Veterans’ Week

Each year during Veterans’ Week, from November 5 to 11, Canadians remember and honour the brave individuals who served our country in the past, and we recognize those who serve in uniform today.

Access Veterans’ Week Learning Resources online.

Indigenous Veterans Day

November 8 is Indigenous Veterans Day. The First Nations, Inuit and Métis people of Canada have a long and proud tradition of military service to our country.

While exact statistics are difficult to determine, the rate of Indigenous participation in Canada's military efforts over the years has been impressive. These determined volunteers were often forced to overcome many challenges to serve in uniform, from learning a new language and adapting to cultural differences, to having to travel great distances from their remote communities just to enlist.

Learn more about Indigenous Veterans in Canada.

Remembrance Day

The act of Remembrance is one of the most important ways to honour and thank Veterans for their sacrifices.

On Remembrance Day, November 11, we honour through remembrance those who gave their lives to serve our country. By remembering, we pay tribute to members of the Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP who served to defend our values and freedoms. We also honour those who continue to serve our country today.

Learn more about Remembrance Day in Canada.

Quinte West Remembers - November 11

Join the City of Quinte West in remembering and honouring our veterans and active military personnel by wearing a poppy, and attending a local Remembrance Day ceremony on November 11 at 11 a.m.

  • Trenton Cenotaph and Veterans Memorial, Fraser Park Drive and Quinte Street, Quinte West

  • Frankford Cenotaph, 40 Regional Rd 5, Frankford

  • Harold (Rawdon Township) Cenotaph, 4285 Stirling-Marmora Road

Virtual Book of Remembrance

Community members are invited to leave a comment, poem or upload artwork in this virtual Book of Remembrance to honour those who have served Canada in times of war, military conflict and peace.

Express your thanks to all Canadian veterans, or leave a message in thanks or in memory to a specific veteran in your life.

You need to be signed in to share your story.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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    Lest We Forget

    by RT, 4 months ago

    Lest We Forget

    A poppy blooms, a crimson hue,A symbol strong, a solemn view.We gather here, with heads bowed low,To honor those who faced the foe.

    They fought for peace, with courage bold,Their stories etched, forever told.Through fields of war, they bravely strode,A sacrifice, a heavy load.

    We wear the poppy, with respect profound,To those who fell, on hallowed ground.Let's pledge to honor, their memory's light,And strive for peace, with all our might.

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    In memory

    by collectnstuff, over 1 year ago
    In memory of my maternal grandfather and four of my uncles that served.
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    Lest we forget

    by MFader , over 2 years ago

    I remember my ex-husband and dear friend Michael A. Fader who served in the Royal Canadian Air Force, was a member of the Canadian SkyHawks. Michael lost his battle with cancer on Wednesday, October 26th 2022. He was one of a kind.

    🙏 😔

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    We remember

    by Ghawley, over 2 years ago
    I remember my great aunt who was a nurse in the war and many other family and friends as well
  • Share Ms. Bulloch and Mr. Poole on Facebook Share Ms. Bulloch and Mr. Poole on Twitter Share Ms. Bulloch and Mr. Poole on Linkedin Email Ms. Bulloch and Mr. Poole link

    Ms. Bulloch and Mr. Poole

    by KimberlyB, over 2 years ago

    My father and grandfather both served. My husband's father served. We wish to thank all veterans for their sacrifice and service. We will always remember

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    We Remember

    by Activity'aholic, over 2 years ago
    Today we remember.

    We remember the fallen but do not forget the living.
    We shall remember them all.

    We remember their actions but do not forget their hopes and dreams.
    We shall carry on their hopes and dreams.

    We remember their sacrifices but do not forget about what their families have sacrificed to help them serve.
    We shall keep on supporting them.

    Lest we forget.
Page last updated: 12 Nov 2024, 12:09 AM