2024 Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

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City of Quinte West Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

The City’s Economic Development Division implemented a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) in 2005.

Since the CIP was implemented, the needs of the community have evolved in the downtown commercial

core, and an updated CIP is required to better support these needs. In addition, the City has

identified the need for CIP programs geared to support the tourism sector in Quinte West.

Sierra Planning & Management has been retained by the City of Quinte West to prepare a new

Downtown and Tourism Community Improvement Plan (CIP) to facilitate and encourage economic

growth, sustainable development, and enhancement of underutilized areas. Through collaboration, the

CIP will provide evidence-based guidance on the most effective ways to stimulate economic

development across a variety of sectors.

Keep checking this webpage to follow the progress of the project and to see how you can contribute to

the development of the CIP by providing your feedback.

What is a Community Improvement Plan (CIP)?

A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a tool available to municipalities under Section 28 of the

Planning Act. CIPs are vehicles for facilitating revitalization and redevelopment efforts in a defined

area(s). To carry out CIPs, municipalities can establish grants, loans, and other programs to encourage

private sector investment in development and renovation projects that seek to improve areas in

accordance with local goals and priorities.

How can a CIP help business and property owners?

Private commercial property owners and businesses can take advantage of the financial incentive

programs contained in CIPs to achieve a range of community improvement goals such as improving

property façades and redeveloping property.

Connect. Participate. Engage with the City of Quinte West.

Keep up to date with what is happening in Quinte West!

X (formerly Twitter)@quintewest
City of Quinte West
City of Quinte West

Have your say in the Downtown and Tourism Community Improvement Plan!

The City of Quinte West is developing a new Community Improvement Plan for Downtown areas and the tourism sector to facilitate and encourage economic growth, sustainable development, and enhancement of underutilized areas.

What is a CIP?
A CIP is a tool available to municipalities under the Planning Act to help facilitate revitalization and redevelopment efforts in a defined target area(s). To carry out CIPs, municipalities can establish grant, loan and other programs to encourage private sector investment in development and renovation efforts that seek to improve and revitalize areas and achieve local goals and priorities. CIPs are often focused on private ownership commercial, industrial/employment lands and multi-unit residential development.

Your input as a business and/or property owner/manager will assist with identifying specific development and investment needs/opportunities, and will help craft financial incentive programs to address the unique needs of Quinte West.

Your responses are CONFIDENTIAL - no individual respondents will be identified publicly through the results. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes of your time. Thank You!

This survey will close at noon on March 16, 2024.

Fill out the CIP survey by clicking here.

City of Quinte West Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

The City’s Economic Development Division implemented a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) in 2005.

Since the CIP was implemented, the needs of the community have evolved in the downtown commercial

core, and an updated CIP is required to better support these needs. In addition, the City has

identified the need for CIP programs geared to support the tourism sector in Quinte West.

Sierra Planning & Management has been retained by the City of Quinte West to prepare a new

Downtown and Tourism Community Improvement Plan (CIP) to facilitate and encourage economic

growth, sustainable development, and enhancement of underutilized areas. Through collaboration, the

CIP will provide evidence-based guidance on the most effective ways to stimulate economic

development across a variety of sectors.

Keep checking this webpage to follow the progress of the project and to see how you can contribute to

the development of the CIP by providing your feedback.

What is a Community Improvement Plan (CIP)?

A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a tool available to municipalities under Section 28 of the

Planning Act. CIPs are vehicles for facilitating revitalization and redevelopment efforts in a defined

area(s). To carry out CIPs, municipalities can establish grants, loans, and other programs to encourage

private sector investment in development and renovation projects that seek to improve areas in

accordance with local goals and priorities.

How can a CIP help business and property owners?

Private commercial property owners and businesses can take advantage of the financial incentive

programs contained in CIPs to achieve a range of community improvement goals such as improving

property façades and redeveloping property.

Connect. Participate. Engage with the City of Quinte West.

Keep up to date with what is happening in Quinte West!

X (formerly Twitter)@quintewest
City of Quinte West
City of Quinte West

Have your say in the Downtown and Tourism Community Improvement Plan!

The City of Quinte West is developing a new Community Improvement Plan for Downtown areas and the tourism sector to facilitate and encourage economic growth, sustainable development, and enhancement of underutilized areas.

What is a CIP?
A CIP is a tool available to municipalities under the Planning Act to help facilitate revitalization and redevelopment efforts in a defined target area(s). To carry out CIPs, municipalities can establish grant, loan and other programs to encourage private sector investment in development and renovation efforts that seek to improve and revitalize areas and achieve local goals and priorities. CIPs are often focused on private ownership commercial, industrial/employment lands and multi-unit residential development.

Your input as a business and/or property owner/manager will assist with identifying specific development and investment needs/opportunities, and will help craft financial incentive programs to address the unique needs of Quinte West.

Your responses are CONFIDENTIAL - no individual respondents will be identified publicly through the results. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes of your time. Thank You!

This survey will close at noon on March 16, 2024.

Fill out the CIP survey by clicking here.

Submit your CIP questions

Submit your comments or questions about the City's CIP's process here.

You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

Having recently m,oved to the western part of Quinte West we found that Cell Phone reception is sporatic and not very dependable. We are with Telus -which claims they have the best coverage in this area. Are there plans to improve the quality of the reception?

JKLB 4 months ago
Page last updated: 23 Oct 2024, 05:42 AM