I married a hero...

Google refers to an “unsung hero as person who has achieved great things or committed acts of bravery or self-sacrifice, yet is not celebrated or recognized.” The purest definition of every volunteer firefighter in our community, and my husband, Shane Struthers. Everyday, 365 days a year, volunteer firefighters are on call, waiting for the unfortunate emergency of someone, to stop what they are doing, and head out to help. On top of maintaining a full time job, these community hero’s are always on call - in the middle of family dinner, during a movie night, while out for a walk, 9-1-1 doesn't wait for anyone’s schedule to be clear; and the leave; to help because it is their passion to be committed to the safety and well being of our entire community.

Shane, never asks for acknowledgement, accolades or recognition. Every time the page goes out, without question he puts on the green lights, and heads willingly into danger. The training, regular practice, experience, education and the association of fellow firefighters keep him safe, however as a wife, I think there will always be some worry until he returns home safety.

I would like to nominate Shane Struthers, volunteer firefighter as a Quinte West Community Hero - he could not be more deserving, as could all volunteer firefighters in Quinte West. From the bottom of my heart, I thank each and everyone of them for the dedication and sacrifice they make for our safety.

~ Vicky Struthers

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