Asset Management Survey

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The City's Asset Management Plan (AMP) allows the us to plan the resources and activities needed to maintain, update or replace core infrastructure in our community such as roads, parks, bridges and facilities to meet our residents’ current and future needs.

Assets are everything the City owns. Below are just some of the many assets owned and maintained by the City of Quinte West:

  • Transportation: Road surface, road base, bridges, sidewalks, curbs, culverts, guide rails and other costs.
  • Storm water: Pipes, ponds, manholes and catch basins.
  • Water and wastewater: Pipes, valves, hydrants, manholes, pumping stations and treatment plants.
  • Facilities: Libraries, arenas, municipal offices, fire stations and others.
  • Fleet: Fire trucks, snow plows, sidewalk plows, lawn mowers, equipment and other costs.
  • Outdoor parks and recreation: Playgrounds, trails, splash pads, multi-surface courts, soccer fields and other open spaces.

The City of Quinte West is committed to a proactive and cost-effective approach to plan and deliver safe and sustainable public services to our community while also minimizing future costs.

However, each asset has a service lifespan to consider and tough decisions have to be made on where and when we allocate taxpayer money to maintain, update or replace assets. That's where you come in!

Share your feedback!

This engagement is an opportunity for residents to share thoughts on City of Quinte West assets.

We want to know how you feel about levels of service related to asset management in our community. This project asks for your input on your priorities, ideas, satisfaction and expectations for municipal assets and service levels.

Share your feedback by March 31, 2025. Participate through one or more of the options listed below:

  • Complete the survey below.
  • Submit your feedback to the ideas tool below.
  • Share and comment on the City's social media channels and Asset Management posts.

Have questions about this survey? Please email

The City's Asset Management Plan (AMP) allows the us to plan the resources and activities needed to maintain, update or replace core infrastructure in our community such as roads, parks, bridges and facilities to meet our residents’ current and future needs.

Assets are everything the City owns. Below are just some of the many assets owned and maintained by the City of Quinte West:

  • Transportation: Road surface, road base, bridges, sidewalks, curbs, culverts, guide rails and other costs.
  • Storm water: Pipes, ponds, manholes and catch basins.
  • Water and wastewater: Pipes, valves, hydrants, manholes, pumping stations and treatment plants.
  • Facilities: Libraries, arenas, municipal offices, fire stations and others.
  • Fleet: Fire trucks, snow plows, sidewalk plows, lawn mowers, equipment and other costs.
  • Outdoor parks and recreation: Playgrounds, trails, splash pads, multi-surface courts, soccer fields and other open spaces.

The City of Quinte West is committed to a proactive and cost-effective approach to plan and deliver safe and sustainable public services to our community while also minimizing future costs.

However, each asset has a service lifespan to consider and tough decisions have to be made on where and when we allocate taxpayer money to maintain, update or replace assets. That's where you come in!

Share your feedback!

This engagement is an opportunity for residents to share thoughts on City of Quinte West assets.

We want to know how you feel about levels of service related to asset management in our community. This project asks for your input on your priorities, ideas, satisfaction and expectations for municipal assets and service levels.

Share your feedback by March 31, 2025. Participate through one or more of the options listed below:

  • Complete the survey below.
  • Submit your feedback to the ideas tool below.
  • Share and comment on the City's social media channels and Asset Management posts.

Have questions about this survey? Please email

Share your thoughts and feedback about the maintenance and planning of the City's assets in your community!

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Page last updated: 06 Mar 2025, 08:50 AM